Old gamer dad, I'm now mostly an handheld gamer since I can't unfortunately afford to monopolize the TV. And ever since the arrival of the Nintendo Switch, I've been focusing mainly on this console, trying to complete as many games as I can on it.
Back on the 3DS/Wii U era, and with the lack of an achievement system on Nintendo machines, my mission was to take one picture of every game I was completing and only one, showing the most I could on it completion-wise. I was enjoying my time on Miiverse, as it was one of the only social media platform 100% focused on gaming. Since its death, I've been trying to find something else equivalent, but nothing was satisfying me. Most others platforms have crack of the real world showing up on it, and all I want is a place where I could post completion pictures while micro-blogging about video games in general.
Hence why I'm here today, I'll go back to the old days of blogging and just write stuff about games as I complete them, and also some others news I like to share about the video game world. Most posts will be short text. Like I said, I'm more into micro-blogging, not about writing essay.
Please note that my completion goals are purely personal. I try to reach as close as I can to 100% but I just don't do multiple playthroughs of big games like RPGs just because I may have missed 1 tiny thing because I didnt used a guide. I also don't like playing games on the hardest difficulty, I usually play every games on Normal, as I feel this is how the game was intended to be played. Once I'm satisfied with my completion status in the game, I mark it as "completed" and move on to the next.
If you want to see my entire Nintendo Switch collection, alongside progress on everything and pictures I have taken over the years, you can browse my Google Sheet by clicking the link below:
My Nintendo Switch Collection and Progress
I also have a Youtube channel where I'm posting random stuff here and there (not updating it a lot, mostly when there's a new Groove Coaster Wai Wai Party!!!! DLC release).
I don't know where this blog will lead me, but I hope you'll enjoy your stay!