Old Completion: Monster Hunter Rise - 100% Awards, Master Rank 999 and More

What I did in Monster Hunter Rise: 100% Awards. Master Rank 999. Anomaly Research Level 300. All 57 Special Investigation Medals earned . All Crowns earned.

The One Picture I have taken: Awards section of the Guild Card, which shows everything except the non-Award Crowns.

Since I'm currently working on getting 100% in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga, which will take me A LONG TIME to reach this December, I will not be able to get as many completion this month. But I still wanted to make new posts here and there, so instead, I will create a new label juste called "Completion (Old)", where I chose some big completion from my past on Switch and think back about them a little.

And to start off, I'm posting what I consider my biggest achievement on Switch, my 100% in Monster Hunter Rise, which took me around 900 hours to do. I have a weird history with the Monster Hunter series. Back during the PSP era, I've heard a lot of good thing about it, but I was more hooked to game with more RPG elements in them (like actual leveling system), so I've passed over it, instead playing a lot of Phantasy Star Portable 1 and 2. But when I got my 3DS and Wii U, and 3 Ultimate was becoming big, I bought a copy on each system when they were on sales. I tried to get into them A LOT. Must have restarted the game 10 times or more. But, I just couldnt get into them. They felt so slow and sluggish, even playing what will become my main weapon in Rise, the Dual Blades. And all those zone changes with the constant loading really destroyed my immersion. I then did the same thing with 4 Ultimate...then Generations Ultimate when it came on Switch, but it was always the same thing. I just couldnt get into old-school Monster Hunter. I've heard about how Monster Hunter World was changing thing around a lot, but back then, I couldnt play that one.

Fast forward to 2021, and the release of Monster Hunter Rise on Switch. I remember thinking "I will not get fooled for a 4th time", and just ignoring it for a few weeks. But I was seeing more and more people sharing their gameplay videos of their custom character, and it all looked amazing. Back then, I think it might have been the prettiest Switch game ever released yet, in my humble opinion of course. So I gave up, and ended up buying it...again. BUT this times, it clicked...REALLY HARD. All the problems I had with the previous games were gone. With the wirebug and the Palamute, the game was moving at light-speed. The fights were arcade-flashy, which I know old fans just hated back then, but this is what I needed to finally appreciate it. And there was finally no more zone, just one big map to explore in every hunt (which was also a thing in World I know, but for me, it was new). With all those things combined, it was then just a big rabbit hole for a completionist, and the "one more hunt" disease got me. Every updates, in both the base game and the Sunbreak expansion, I was there, and when the final one came, I couldnt believe I played this for so long to reach my 100%.

Maybe the ninja-like gameplay of Rise was lightning in a bottle for me, and Wilds will go back to a slower style and I will again not be able to get into it (because I tried many times to get into Generations Ultimate after Rise and I still just can't. It's not for me at all, and like I said, it's not fault of trying). But if Rise was that one time I was able to get into the series, what an amazing time it was!

To conclude, I did a video back then when I finally reached my 100% showing everything. It seems my completion date was in June 2023. If you're interrested, here it is:
