What I did in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga: 100% completed
The One Picture I have taken: Pause screen showing the Galaxy completion
My last BIG completion of 2024. This is the BIGGEST LEGO game made by TT Games that's for sure, to a point where it was becoming quite draining. 45 Stages, 1200 Bricks to collect through I don't know how many open world planets. I don't want to do that EVER again, but I'm still glad I did it once. There still was a lot of fun and laugh throughout my adventure overall.
In any case, if the modern LEGO games as we know them for their collect-o-thon aspect were born through LEGO Star Wars, it's quite a fitting end to also finish with a Star Wars game that surpasses everything before it. I said that because before this game, we were seeing at least one LEGO games from TT every year, be it a new one or a port. But right now, it's total radio silence. LEGO Horizon Adventures is not made by Warner and TT, and doesnt play at all like their games, so I still don't know if I'm interrested in buying that one. Maybe later once I have taken a good long break from LEGO games.