What I did in Donkey Kong Land: Game 100% completed.
The One Picture I have taken: File select screen.
When I was a young, I was a Sega Kid in the 16 bits era, so I didnt had a SNES until WAY later unfortunately. But I had a Game Boy, and Donkey Kong Land was one of the few games I had, so for me, the DKC games were more a Game Boy thing than a SNES one. As such, I was speedrunning this game non stop just because I didnt had much to play, and I was able to get a 100% sub 40, which was good enough for me as a kid. In any case, still having fun playing this one as an adult, and the only Donkey Kong Land game in the trilogy to have his own identity, with entire new levels themes and musics than its SNES counterpart.
An interesting thing I've noticed back when I was young and bought Blast Corps for my N64 (one of the 3 games I owned for it). The Boss music in Donkey Kong Land got a country remix in Blast Corps. I thought it was cool and I wonder how many people noticed at the time.